Marketing mix - Promotion - New trends in Media Advertising

Below is an interesting info-graphics on how media has evolved over the past few years with the advent of advanced Information Communications Technologies. It based on multiple surveys conducted and condensed together to form the results which you are about to see below via Mashable, created by @lisawaananen. 
Source: Mashable Infographics, created by @lisawaananen
As you can see from the statistics above, more and more marketing tools are use via the internet platform. Marketers are moving away from the one-way communications eMarketing tools like emails, newsletters to highly interactive mediums that allows for dyadic exchanges among all stakeholders that are a prevailing trend. Social media, interactive digital media, and ubiquitous Mobile Marketing is the order of the day.

For more information on the characteristics of a social media (Facebook), please click here to read my essay on the characteristics of social media and their marketing fit.
